The Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme known as TASS was initially worth £6 million for the first two years. The aim of the scheme is to give bursaries and scholarships to up and coming 16-25 year old athletes.

The scholarships are aimed at providing top-quality physiotherapy and coaching, as well as access to the best sports facilities.

In it’s first year TASS provided financial aid to about one thousand young athletes from over fifty different sports.

The high cost of equipment and training is one of the main reasons for young athletes not reaching their potential on the sports field. These scholarships will help athletes meet the extra costs involved such as physiotherapy, coaching and traveling.

TASS scholarships will do a long way in helping to harness the talent of young in the UK. and help them reach the highest level of their chosen sport.

Exchequer funding of £3 million each year has been ear marked for this scheme. Extra funding will come through private sector fundraising to help those young athletes most in need.

Bethune-Cookman College broke ground Monday afternoon on 2 scholarship houses designed to foster community responsibility and civic leadership among its residents.

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