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The Four Keys to Softball Recruiting Success

Softball collegeAs the popularity of softball continues to grow, the key elements in the recruiting process start to shift. There are more and more girls trying to get positions on teams that aren’t growing any bigger. In order to have an edge in softball recruiting, you need to know what you’re doing; and you need to start now. College softball coaches are starting to recruit earlier each year so make sure you don’t miss out.

The best way to find a softball scholarship opportunity is to do the work yourself. That means putting together a resume, a skills tape, and doing well in school. In order to increase your chances, you have to be a desirable prospect. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of other softball players trying to do the same thing. So how do you stand out?

Here are the key ways to increase your softball recruiting success:

  1. Don’t limit yourself: Make sure to keep an open mind when looking at softball programs. There are way more opportunities than you think, but you have to be willing to consider programs that aren’t Division I. By exposing yourself to multiple division levels, you will find which level you get the most response from and where to target your efforts.
  2. Club Teams: Softball is one of the sports in which athletes will benefit greatly from playing on year-round or club level teams. They offer a higher level of competition which gives players great experience and college coaches tend to favor those athletes who have had experience outside of their high school teams.
  3. First Impressions Matter: When you contact a college coach, make sure you present yourself as a prospect of not only the team but of the school as well. You are looking to be a student-athlete so make sure to explain to the coach why you are interested in the school and how it is a good fit for you. Don’t bring up the softball scholarships topic until you have had several conversations with coaches; it is a major turn-off when athletes look like they are just trolling for money.
  4. Use your Fundamentals: When you create your skills video, keep it basic so that coaches can evaluate you easily. They want to see the mechanics of your moves and your position-specific skills. Repetitive drills and plays may seem boring, but it’s what coaches want to see.

If you have any questions regarding the softball recruiting process then leave a comment below or connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to start learning about recruitment.

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