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College Recruiting for International Students

We share information with athletes and their families because we want to assist everyone with the recruiting process. We have the chance to talk with a lot of athletes from all around the world. It’s really a great opportunity we get, by having the chance to help student-athletes with all parts of their athletic recruitment.

Recruiting is a process for all student-athletes

We come across this situation all the time: international players who want to play at the U.S. college level, but don’t think they can because they live too far away and coaches will not be willing to recruit them. To us, this sounds like an easy way out of the recruiting process before even having a chance to begin. If you take some time to research colleges you will find there are many international athletes on college teams, in all division levels playing right now.

Saying you don’t have a chance because you are an international athlete will not make your goals a reality. You need to start somewhere, just like all other recruits in your position. Make your time count and learn the steps to get recruited and do it right.

As we have stated repeatedly; recruiting takes work and a lot of time! To be successful in recruiting, all recruits need to know the proper procedures to getting recruited- which is why we are here! We understand what recruits will need to do to be fully prepared for college sports. If they are willing to put in the time and effort, than we will be here to help along the way.

As a potential college recruit, it’s going to be your job to reach out to college coaches during your high school years. It’s during this time that you need to begin building relationships with college coaches to see if they will be able to make room for you on their team.

What you need to know: It takes time to build relationships with coaches; sending them one email and one video will not cut it. To make an impression on a coach you will have to keep them updated and show them you will be an asset to their team.

What you cannot do: is send mass emails out to college coaches at all schools you want to attend asking them, “please give me a scholarship to play for your team and you will not regret it.” This type of correspondence will not be taken seriously and will most likely result with the coach placing your email address on the “block” list.

You need to tell the coach why you want to attend their university and what you are going to bring to their team. Coaches want to recruit players who will be a good fit for their team. They want to see the skills you have and what you are able to do. They want to know what your goals are and how you plan to improve. Make sure you are giving them a reason to communicate with you.

Barry University Athletic Recruiting.

If you have any more questions about building relationships with college coaches, than leave a comment below and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

Are you ready for the NEXT STEP!